The Most DIY-Friendly Rooftop Deck Option

Looking For An Easy DIY Rooftop Deck? Try Aspire Pavers!

Turning your rooftop into a luxurious outdoor space is an incredible way to enjoy fresh air and nature, even when deck space is hard to come by. This is especially true in city settings, where it's vital to make efficient use of the space you have.

There are several great ways to create your ideal rooftop deck, including complex pedestal systems. But if you want an especially DIY-friendly option that's easy to install, we'd suggest a paver system like Aspire Pavers by Brava.

Below, we'll run through the advantages of pavers and of pedestal systems to help you pick the right fit for your rooftop deck. For help planning your project, give us a call at 1-888-824-5316!

A beautiful rooftop deck with a view of the city, created from Aspire Pavers

Table of Contents

Should I Use Pavers Or Pedestals For My Rooftop Deck?

A large rooftop deck with a square pattern created by Aspire Pavers by Brava

Pedestal systems typically work with large deck tiles made of wood, porcelain, or another decking material, while paver systems feature smaller individual pavers that fit into an installation grid. Pavers like Aspire are made from a durable rubbery substance created from recycled rubber and plastic.

The two systems have several key differences that affect how the rooftop deck looks and functions, plus how you'll install the deck.

Here are the key advantages of both systems so you can figure out the best way to bring your rooftop deck ideas to life:

Advantages of Using Pavers For Rooftop Decks

A roof deck with pavers installed to mark a walkway

In general, pavers are the easier DIY option. Most of the advantages center around an easier installation process, though there are also some unique customization options when it comes to the look of your roof deck.

Easier Installation

Aspire Pavers make for an easy DIY-friendly rooftop deck

Aspire Pavers are incredibly straightforward and simple to install. The pavers come with an installation grid that covers your roof and creates ready-made slots for each paver to fit snugly into.

That makes pavers an incredibly DIY-friendly option compared to a tile-and-pedestal system, which requires some more leveling and prep work to install.

Lighter Components For Easier Transportation To The Roof

Full-size deck tiles are often two feet by two feet or larger, and heavy. In contrast, Aspire Pavers are just eight inches long, and installation grids just 16 inches square.

Aspire Pavers and the included installation grid

One of the inherent struggles in building a roof deck is getting the decking materials up to the roof. Aspire Pavers allow a lot of flexibility: instead of lugging full-size tiles up an elevator or a set of stairs, you can take a comfortable load of lightweight pavers and grids that don't sap your energy before you've even started the installation process.

Easy To Cut Around Rooftop Features

Another great advantage of Aspire Pavers is that they're easy to cut and trim down. Many rooftop decks have to contend with roof features like pipes or drains. The rubbery material of Aspire Pavers is easy to cut through with a wood-ripping blade with a low tooth count.

You can use a miter saw for straight cuts, or a jigsaw to cut curves, notches, or other unique shapes into your pavers to work around your rooftop features. When it comes to rooftop decking materials, you won't find an option that's easier to customize to your roof's specific shape and features.

Can Create Unique Paver Patterns

A rooftop deck with pavers in a multi-colored pattern blending blues, golds, and oranges

Visually, pavers also offer the opportunity to create unique patterns and looks for your space. You can mix and match four different colors of Aspire Pavers to create an eye-catching pattern, like the deck above.

In addition to the rectangular 4x8 pavers, you can also get square-shaped 8x8 Aspire Pavers.

A square Aspire Paver by Brava

Mixing rectangular and square pavers opens up the pattern possibilities even more:

A paver pattern combining rectangular and square Aspire Pavers by Brava

To learn more about the unique patterns you can create with Aspire Pavers, check out our article 6 DIY Paver Patterns For Your Deck Or Patio to help brainstorm your rooftop deck ideas.

Shop Aspire Pavers

Advantages of Using Pedestals For Rooftop Decks

While pavers make an ideal DIY solution, pedestal systems have their own advantages. They're a bit more complex to install, but can do a couple things paver systems can't. Check out these pedestal system advantages to see which setup makes the most sense for your rooftop deck.

Pedestals Can Level An Unlevel Roof Deck Surface

The biggest advantage of pedestals is that they can create a level deck surface even on sloped roof surfaces. The pedestals themselves can adjust to various heights, creating a level walking surface with a sloped subfloor that allows water to drain off the roof.

A rooftop deck made from wood deck tiles on a pedestal system

That makes pedestal systems a bit more versatile, installing onto a wide range of spaces, where pavers will need a flat roof or a very gently sloped roof with a slope of 1/2 inch or less.

Shop Bison Pedestals Shop Hardwood Deck Tiles

More Surface Material Options

With pavers, you get lots of options when it comes to colors and shapes. But pedestal systems give you more options when it comes to decking material, which opens up the possibilities of what your rooftop deck can look like.

For example, the picture directly above features wood deck tiles that come in a variety of natural wood looks, while the picture below shows Bison's Porcelain Pavers, a classy, unique material that comes in 9 color options. .

Bison Porcelain Pavers installing into a pedestal system
Shop Porcelain Pavers

Which Costs More: Pavers Or Pedestals?

So far, we haven't addressed the budget question: which option will be most cost-effective?

Ultimately, the cost of a pedestal-and-tile system will probably be about equal to the cost of a paver-and-grid system, freeing you up to the choose the option that best fits your rooftop deck needs.

There can be some exceptions, of course, depending on the specific details of your roof. To get a more detailed estimate based on your square footage and unique features, give us a call at 1-888-824-5316 and we'll help you price out one or both options!

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One Tip For Using Aspire Pavers To Create Your Dream Rooftop Deck

Aspire typically recommends using a landscape adhesive to glue down pavers at the edges of your deck. This keeps the edge pavers from getting dislodged with foot traffic or high winds.

A nearly-complete pattern of Aspire Pavers installed onto a rooftop deck

When installing on roof decks, glue your Aspire Pavers down about 3 feet in from all parapet walls. In especially high-wind areas, you can glue all your pavers down to make sure nothing gets dislodged on windy days.

Aspire Pavers in a classy gray deck

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